Larisa I. Lar'kina
NTK-FNPC FSUE"PO"Start" to them. MV Procenko" |
Zarechnyj, Russian Federation |
Alexander I. Perolaynen
NTK-FNPC FSUE"PO"Start" to them. MV Procenko" |
Zarechnyj, Russian Federation |
This article describes an approachto solving one of the major problems in modern process control system of oil products transshipment bases —elimination of errors that lead to the mixing of different kinds of petroleum products, while performing multiple operations on their movement. By staging bases strict requirements, the main one being the inadmissibility of mixing different types of oil. Discussed in the article principles of automated routing system can prevent the occurrence of accidents in the management of the movement of petroleum products.
Materials and methods
In order to solve the existing problems whilemoving petroleum products to be developed software tools to generate routes for oil products, to manage routes and to displaythe status of routes on workstations operators production and dispatch service.
Using automated routing control system of oil products storage terminal proved the effectiveness of the proposed method for solving the urgent problems arising in the managementof the movement of petroleum products. Hardware and software solutions incorporated in the automated routing system,ensure compliance with the requirements for the controland management of technological processes on the PFN.
The positive effect of the introduction of the routing system is that it is possible to streamline and automate the management of the movement of petroleum products. This helps to prevent accidents, eliminate errorsoperations staff, increasing productivity.
routes formation
configurator routes
route management