Search for the optimal proppant weight when carrying out multi-stage hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells

Zharkova K.V. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Pupkov N.V. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2022-8-87-92

This article discusses an engineering approach to substantiate the optimal mass of injected proppant for horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing.
The object of study is a classic low-permeability reservoir with permeability characteristic of the area and the use of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing technology to bring reserves into development. The volumes of proppant injected into the reservoir at each stage of hydraulic fracturing are determined empirically.
In the course of the work, an approach was selected based on static analysis and averaging of data from a large volume of hydraulic fracturing.
In this work, a system of engineering justification of the maximum mass of proppant injected into the reservoir has been developed and the economic profitability limit of increasing the volume of fractures has been established.

Materials and methods
The experience of hydraulic fracturing at the field was summarized, the optimal proppant mass was substantiated to achieve the best TEC of wells, the actual hydraulic fracturing operations performed at the field were studied and analyzed, the dependences of the fracture geometry parameters on the proppant mass were established, allowing to correctly model the fracture parameters and the best parameters for various zones were determined saturation of the object according to technical and economic indicators.

low permeability, multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, horizontal well, proppant
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