Aspects of technological solutions for the development of tight reserves deposits characterized by ultra-low permeability and the presence of abnormally high reservoir pressure

Ankudinov A.A. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Arkhipov V.N. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Starikov M.A. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2022-8-70-74

Tight reserves are characterized by unfavorable conditions for recovery from the position of oil properties or conditions of occurrence (concentrated in deposits of low-permeable reservoirs). At the moment, production is carried out mainly from traditional reservoirs, but as a rule, it is complex reserves that provide the main increase in the resource base of oil companies. The development of tight reserves requires the use of new technologies and significant capital investments. Deposits of unconventional reservoirs are characterized by high variability of geological feature and formation reservoir properties depending on the region, which dictates the need to develop an individual approach to their development.
The authors of the article, using the example of oil field located in the Arctic zone of Russian Federation, consider an approach to the development of technological solutions for the development of a tight reserves characterized by low permeability, high heterogeneity and the presence of abnormally high reservoir pressure.

Materials and methods
The analysis of production experience from tight reserves is carried out, the key aspects of the development of low-permeability reservoirs are identified. An approach to testing formation hydraulic fracturing technologies, the development of well completion for multistage formation hydraulic fracturing is given. Potentially effective agents for the development of tight reserves are identified, a program of laboratory studies is created to remove uncertainties.

tight reserves, low permeability, formation hydraulic fracturing
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