Four stages of production redistribution at the multilayer field X under conditions of multiphase filtration

Ufimtseva M.N. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2022-8-60-64

The management of several reservoirs by a single grid of wells does not always allow the correct accounting of hydrocarbon production.
The well-known and most used production redistribution methods do not take into account the component-by-component distribution of produced hydrocarbons. Methods mainly used are based on formation conductivity and net oil pay of the zone. Therefore, there is a practical need for an analytical tool that would be based on reliable and available data and could sufficiently and efficiently solve the problems associated with the separation of produced fluids.

Materials and methods
A methodology developed on the basis of combining existing tools to enhance the ultimate oil recovery by determining the containment area of residual reserves based on the analysis and revision of field data.

redistribution of production, containment area of residual reserves, multilayer formation, accountability of reserve recovery
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