The experience in intermittent production and de-gassed oil injection for dissipation of gas coning

Priz K.I. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Alekseev A.S. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Cherkasov N.A. “Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha” LLC Irkutsk
Svyaschenko A.V. “Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha” LLC Irkutsk
Ivanov E.N. “Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha” LLC Irkutsk
Shilov D.S. “Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha” LLC Irkutsk
Seksyaev A.P. “Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha” LLC Irkutsk
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-5-69-73

At present, in many major fields with a gas cap, there is a severe issue of gas breakthrough from the gas cap when thin oil rims are developed in infrastructure limitation conditions. One option to limit gas production, reduce GOR, and bring wells back into production, is intermittent operation of wells. To accelerate evening out of the gas cone and bringing wells back on line after intermittent production, re-injection
of de-gassed oil is applied. In the Srednebotuobinskoe Field located in East Siberia, pilot tests of de-gassed oil re-injection were conducted.
Based on the obtained effect, full scale application in the Botuobinsky Horizon commenced.

Materials and methods
In early 2022, the first treatment operations were implemented
in 14 wells. Based on the results, full scale application commenced.
The paper provides an analysis of de-gassed oil treatment operations and an assessment of the effect achieved with the technology.

re-injection of de-gassed oil, coning, gas breakthrough, GOR, cumulative oil production, East Siberia, botuobinsky horizon
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