Variative approach to the killing fluids selection for sandstone formations. Part 1. Modeling of scaling during interaction of killing fluids with formation brines

Shaydullin V.A. “RN-BashNIPIneft” LLC (“Rosneft” PJSC Group Company) Ufa
Khatmullin A.R. “RN-BashNIPIneft” LLC (“Rosneft” PJSC Group Company) Ufa
Turiyanov A.R. “RN-BashNIPIneft” LLC (“Rosneft” PJSC Group Company) Ufa
Mingalishev F.K. “RN-BashNIPIneft” LLC (“Rosneft” PJSC Group Company) Ufa
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-7-102-106

This study focuses on investigating the impact of water-based killing fluids on the reservoir permeability of oil-bearing sandstone formations in the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. The main factors influencing the effectiveness of killing fluids are the compatibility with formation brines and its effect on rock wettability defined by computer modeling of a scaling process.

Materials and methods
The evaluation of the water-based killing fluids impact on the reservoir was performed through computer modeling of the interaction between mineralized waters using the methods of J.E. Oddo and M.B. Thomson.

killing fluid, core-flooding experiment, sandstone formation, scaling, clay stabilizer, surfactant
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