Fissuring simulation methods in carbonate sediments of the osinsky horizon

Sokolyanskaya E.V. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC
Fedorova A.A. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC
Budko A.I. “TYNGD” LLC
Yanyshev A.G. “TYNGD” LLC
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-8-75-79

The paper reviews fissuring simulation methods through a case study of carbonate sediments in the osinsky horizon. A comparison of the key methods is provided: joint reservoir simulation, dual permeability simulation, micro fracture system simulation. The main problem with fissuring is gas breakthrough and, consequently, high gas-oil ratio, which has a negative impact on oil production levels. The methods were tested with sector-based reservoir model containing the actual well stock data. Based on the results of reservoir simulation, historical trends of key production parameters were identified. This included the dynamics of gas coining in the borehole, which will help forecast potential breakthrough in the planned well stock.

Materials and methods
Using a sector-based reservoir model, an analysis was done of fissuring simulation methods. The optimal variant was selected to be subsequently applied in the full-scale continuously updated reservoir model.

carbonate reservoir, fissuring, low permeability, oil and gas field, reservoir simulation
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