Studying the causes of casing leakages in production wells. Developing preventive methods for casing protection

Nabiullin A.Sh. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC
Sinitsyna T.I. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC
Vorontsov S.Yu. “Samotlorneftegas” JSC
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-8-88-93

The paper describes a comprehensive analysis of the production well stock performance and the causes of sealing failures of production casings as well as development of formation leak-off preventive measures. The analytical part includes qualitative and quantitative functions.
The laboratory part allowed to measure quantitative rates of corrosion processes occurring in a well. The result of the study is an algorithm generating a well rating by the leakage risk, taking into account the selected criteria. Depending on the well rating, methods of well preventive protection have been determined.

Materials and methods
The tasks of the study were solved using system analysis methods, a set theory, the basics of EOR, and geological-field analysis of well data. Microsoft Excel SW was used to collect and verify the historical production data, as well as to generate a statistical training data set. The geological-field analysis of well data was performed using
the RN-KIN SW package.

production casing leakage, causes of leakage, local corrosion
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