Simulation of a magnetic field to substantiate the development of special couplings preventing deposition of ARP substances in tubing string

Anatoliy A. Isaev Ph.D., leading engineer of department for innovations and examination Sheshmaoil Management Company LLC
Rustem S. Takhautdinov general director Sheshmaoil Management Company LLC
Vladimir I. Malykhin chief specialist for innovation activities Sheshmaoil Management Company LLC
Almaz A. Sharifullin Ph.D., head of department for innovations and examination Sheshmaoil Management Company LLC
Following the transition of most oilfields to the decline phase of development (mature oilfields) there are a growing number of problems related to oil well operation keep arising, particularly, formation of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD). The existing various solutions for the prevention of deposits of asphalt-resin-paraffin substances in downhole pumping equipment (DPE) do not make it possible to completely solve the problem, hence, the problem of ARPD removing is relevant. The ARPD problem in Sheshmaoil Management Company LLC exists on Uratminskoye oilfield, where the number of premature repairs reached 80 %.

DOI: 10.24411/2076-6785-2019-10060
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