Considerations on the development of under-gas-cap and gas cap zones of AV1-5 reservoir on Samotlor Field

Dmitry S. Smirnov Tyumen Petroleum Research Center
Olga V. Lanina Tyumen Petroleum Research Center
The paper describes the evolution of design decisions for the development of the gas-oil zone of AB1-5 reservoir, an assessment of the current fl type of the gas cap zone, the main assumptions and a strategy for further development of the gas-oil zone and the gas cap of the Samotlor Field.
Materials and methods
The current fl type of the gas cap and its changes is assessed, a strategy is proposed for further development of the gas and gasoil part of the fi d, and the recovery of the intruded oil.
The article describes the long-term experience of developing the under-gas-cap and gas cap zones of the fi d (setting and solving the problem, the project feasibility); the conclusions are well-founded.
TSamotlor fi d has half a century experience in the development of a gas and oil zone and an extensive gas cap. In 2017, two main documents were approved for the field, i. e. HC Reserves Estimation and the Field Development Plan. The analysis of the current fl type of the gas cap based on the TDT log data and using a fl w simulation model shows the complex stucture of gas-cap gas reserves, the presence of intruded oil and water, decreased gas saturation in the areas adjacent to the internal gas-bearing contour, which is confi by well operation conditions. The activities performed in the fi d include recovery of the intruded oil, control over the changes in the gas-oil contact, the fl type and the volume of water and oil intruded into the gas cap, measures are taken to minimize the movement of fl s through the reference elevation. A further strategy for the development of a gas and oil zone and a gas cap of the fi d has been developed using a fl w simulation model and it includes drilling of gas wells and effi ient production of the intruded oil.
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gas and oil zone gas cap fl type barrier fl g recovery of intruded oil