The fuel supply of the heat treatment complex of an oil layer

Semyon Yu. Korotin Samara State Technical University (SSTU) Samara
Anatoly Y. Shchyolokov Samara State Technical University (SSTU) Samara
The article identifies problems and characteristics of using various types of hydrocarbon fuels in installations of thermal processing oflayers of heavy oil and natural bitumen. Developed fuel supply complex heat treatment of the layer of the primary and backup hydrocarbon fuel without the conversion of heat generating units, in particular the mixing regasification LPG based on the technology of Propane-air.
Materials and methods
Generalization of experience of development on the basis of the Department "Industrial power" of the SSTU backup fuel supply on the basis of a Propane-air mixtures of substitute natural gas.
In the course of the project work system fuel supply complex heat treatment of the oil layers scheme was created backup fuel source based on the mixing evaporation of LPG with the formation of a fuel mixture Propane-air - a substitute for natural gas.
The calculations show the possibility of regasification of LPG in any desired quantities without heating devices by postcompression mixing hot air with the formation of a fuel mixture Propane-air, physico-chemical properties which allow it to replace natural gas without interfering with the design of burners.
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Propane-air heavy oil natural bitumen thermal processing of layers regasification of LPG