Rational use of natural gas liquid components at oil production facilities

I.Yu. Khasanov NPTs Sheryk LLC Salavat, Russian Federation npc-sherik@mail.ru
V.I. Rogozin NPTs Sheryk LLC, Salavat Moscow, Russian Federation  
A.G. Schaefer Lukoil Overseas Holding Ltd Moscow, Russian Federation  
A.N. Yakovlev Karakudukmunay LLP Aktau, Kazakhstan  
Abstract In this article is considered an alternate solution of one of the most acute and actual oil-and-gas sector problems — rational utilization of NGL, a "bottle neck" in the production chain of use of additional APG on small, remote and newly developed fields which share is growing steadily. A new waste-free NGL processing technology based on a small-size package plant which separation unit is integrated into technological facilities of one of field complex gas treatment plants is offered.
Materials and methods
Computer-aided research of mass-exchange processes of contact degassing and multicomponent mixtures fractionation within the HYSYS environment taking into account feed-stock composition, actual loads and technological parameters of oil and low pressure gases treatment.
A new waste-free technology and hardware support of NGL processing on small and remote fields is offered. Compounding of commodity oil and NGL liquid fractions in main pipelines allows to increase commodity oil yield and to recover its petrol potential preserving oil-gas condensate mix’ saturated vapor pressure stability. LHCG received from NGL separation gases conforms to the "Liquefied Hydrocarbon Fuel Gases" standard.
The formulated processing and utilization method of NGL received from low pressure APG at complex gas treatment plants on remote fields can find practical application by subsoil users at implementation of Gas Programs as well as small and medium business entrepreneurs.
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natural gas liquids commodity oil saturated vapor pressure separator vapor and liquid compositions small-size complex gas treatment plant