Interpretation of multiwave seismic data with analysis of the fluid factor attribute

Yevgenia M. Gol Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) Moscow
Nickolay S. Avdeev Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) Moscow

The successful result of hydrocarbon exploration depends on the correct evaluation of the reservoir properties of the potential productive deposits. The main objective of the seismic survey is not only the fi g of the perspective reservoirs location, but also the prediction of fl saturation, the estimation of porosity, net to gross, fracturing of rocks. This task requires a qualitative density, compressional and transversal wave velocity data. Multiwave (multicomponent) survey (MCS) methodology based on the combining of compressional, transverse and converted waves. That is why seismic data allows increasing efficiency and quality of the seismic processing, interpretation, AVO and attributing analysis. In this paper showed the results of AVO-attribute analysis for the Indian field «Shakti» with prediction of the potential fluid-saturated areas.
Materials and methods
The initial data for the analysis were seismic data (this data were obtained during additional exploration of the area by the MCS methodology) - seismic cubes (inversion cubes, AVO-analysis cubes, attribute analysis cubes), GIS well data, well operations, well test results. As main result, multicomponent seismic survey of the compressional and converted waves with using of AVO-analysis data assisted in understanding of the potential fl saturation of the deposits.
Seismic interpretation with using of the AVO- analysis materials (including the fl actor) allowed identifying potential productive deposits of the "Shakti" fi d correctly. The perspective fl saturation maps were made with using AVO-analysis data, well test data and petrophysical data. This is a qualitative basis for determination of the wells location for drilling.
AVO-analysis based on different properties of the seismic wave field, but it is indirect method of the geological structure research. Determination of the fluid-saturated zones based on this technology has a limited reliability. That is why, integration with GIS, well testing data and comparison of the results is so important in stage of the seismic interpretation. However, AVO analysis is the perspective technology, which help to increase the identification reliability of the hydrocarbon accumulation.
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AVO-анализ multicomponent seismic MCS compressional (PP) waves converted (PS) waves AVO- analysis Fluid Factor