Assessing the performance and efficiency of bottom hole hydro-mechanical compensator pressure fluctuations of the drilling mud on a laboratory bench

Timur N. Minnivaleev Oktyabrskiy Affiliate of Ufa State Petroleum Technological University Oktyabrskiy, Russian Frderation
Circulation of drilling mud is provide by piston mud pumps, which are sources of non-uniform motion of fluid in the drill string. Oscillations of flow rate and pressure of washing liquid leads to increase agility drill bit, premature wear and malfunction of the bit; the leakage of the reservoir, and unstable operation of and failure of downhole motors, reducing component life of the pump; the discharge line is under high pressure because of the significant size fluctuations, leading to unforeseen negative consequences. The article presents the developed hydromechanical downhole compensator pressure fluctuations of the washing fluid that is installed in the bottomhole Assembly, describes the laboratory stand for testing and the results of its testing.
Materials and methods
In order to solve the tasks were used the basic laws of theoretical mechanics, fluid mechanics, analytical and experimental methods. Laboratory stand.
It is shown that the mud pump is the source of intense oscillatory processes during drilling, the value of the irregularity factor of the pressure of the washing fluid reaches a value of 0.5 and above. The proposed design of the downhole compensator reduces the amplitude of pressure fluctuations of the washing liquid.
1. The design of multi-stage downhole hydraulic-mechanical compensator to reduce the negative impact of fluctuationsin the pressure of flush liquid in the process of drilling a well is proposed. The developed design is protected by a patent.
2. Installation of downhole hydraulic-mechanical compensator in the laboratory stand allows to reduce the uneven pressure of the flushing liquid is almost 2 times.
3. Positive results of laboratory tests of the developed device showed high effectiveness of its work.
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well mud pump drilling fluid the pressure fluctuations downhole hydraulic-mechanical compensa