Calculation of parameters of profile sections multibeam pipes when designing expandable profile liner

Konstantin V. Meling TatNIPIneft Bugulma, Russian Federation
Vitaly K. Meling TatNIPIneft Bugulma, Russian Federation
TatNIPIneft developed a methodology for calculating the parametersof the profile section of pipe when designing of multipath core liners to isolate trouble zones wells of different diameters. According to the calculation built four-and six-beam profiles.
Materials and methods
Methods of calculation of multibeam profiles.
Building multibeam profiles according to the results of calculations.
1. Defined the regularities of the construction of multibeam profiles with the same curvature of the ledges and hollows. 2. Obtained calculation formula of multipath profiles. 3. The program of calculation profiles forthe design of multipath core liners is developed. 4. Built multi-beam profiles in the program «KOMPAS-13».
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expandable profile liner profile pipe multibeam profile pipe billet ledge profile the depression of the profile