Allocation of improved filtration and reservoir properties zones using the example of an oil field in the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province

Shaburova M.E., Orlov N.N. Gazpromneft companу group Saint-Peterburg
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2024-4-16-21

Carbonate reservoirs, as a rule, are characterized by heterogeneity of structure and filtration and reservoir properties. In this case, the zones with the improved filtration and reservoir characteristics are primarily involved in exploitation. In this regard, during the development process there is a need to replenish the resource base of the field and maintain production levels.
The article presents the results of developing a solution to this problem using the example of an oil field in the Lower Permian carbonate reservoirs of the northeastern part of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. Firstly, improved filtration and reservoir properties zone was identified within the parts of the field not involved in exploitation. Secondly, objects for additional exploration in complexes that are productive in the area of the studied have been substantiated. In addition, the article provides a brief geological overview of the study area and productive oil and gas complexes, and also substantiates the heterogeneity of the structure and properties of reservoirs.

Materials and methods
The basis for the study was the results of analysis of core and thin sections, interpretation of geophysical wells logging, wells testing, as well as interpretation of seismic survey materials. Using this data in specialized software, a three-dimensional geological model was built, on the basis of which promising improved filtration and reservoir properties zones were identified.

carbonate reservoirs, reservoir properties, Dunham classification, fractures, organogenic buildings, additional exploration,
Timan-Pechora oil and gas province
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