Application of petrotyping to assess the permeability of rocks of the aptian-albian-cenomanian gas-bearing complex

Pokazaniev I.A. “Weatherford” LLC Tyumen
Zarai E.A. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Ovchinnikova D.G. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Rodivilov D.B. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2022-8-40-43

The main goal of the work is to develop a petrophysical model of the permeability of terrigenous rocks of the aptian-albian-cenomanian
gas-bearing complex. Reservoir rocks are represented by numerous lithological varieties from clayey siltstones to pure coarse-grained sandstones. The aptian-albian and cenomanian rocks differ in the degree of cementation. Due to weak consolidation, the core of the Cenomanian deposits has not been studied enough, which does not allow the development of an individual model, in particular, a permeability model. At the same time, the aptian-albian and cenomanian rocks have similar lithological and petrophysical characteristics within the framework of lithotypes substantiated by the lithological description of core samples. This factor makes it possible to identify unified petrotypes for the entire aptian-albian-cenomanian complex, to identify individual relationships for assessing permeability, and to level the lack of information from laboratory studies of cenomanian rocks.

Materials and methods
The analysis of the results of the study of core material and conducted geophysical studies is carried out. The principle of petrotype separation is based on the relationship between lithological characteristics, filtration-capacitance properties, capillary characteristics of the pore space and grain dimension.

permeability, petrotypes, core, logging, petrophysical model, terrigenous rocks, reservoir
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