Algorithm for operation and creation of 1D facies model based on core data and well logs of productive formations in the cretaceous and jurassic oil and gas reservoirs of Western Siberia

Grishchenko M.A. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2022-8-22-28

This article continues the cycle of scientific publications of “NK “Rosneft” PJSC devoted to the development of the scientific direction in the field of facies modeling of complex geological objects of oil and gas fields within the Russian Federation. The article presents the history of facies modeling in the Tyumen petroleum research center and the results of the generalization of experience in creating facies models in different stratigraphic complexes of Western Siberia. Described is an algorithm for facies modeling, which includes three main stages and the formation of models of 1D, 2D, and 3D level. This article discusses the features of creating 1D models for integrated core and log studies.

Materials and methods
Materials: a set of various-scale data of geological and geophysical information obtained as a result of sedimentological analysis and laboratory studies of the core, cyclostratigraphic and sequence-stratigraphic analysis for the complex of this core and log.
Methods: to create a facies model, an algorithm has been developed that includes three main stages and the formation of models of 1D, 2D and 3D levels. Core and log data integration techniques were used.

sedimentological analysis, cyclostratigraphic analysis, microfacia, macrofacia, conceptual model, facies model
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