On the significance of sedimentation-tectonic processes for the structure of large objects in space and time

Andreeva E.E. aee8277@rambler.ru Research institute for problems of ecology and mineral wealth use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Kazan
Baranova A.G. Research institute for problems of ecology and mineral wealth use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Kazan
Khaziev R.R. Research institute for problems of ecology and mineral wealth use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Kazan
Valeeva S.E. Research institute for problems of ecology and mineral wealth use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Kazan
Anisimova L.Z. Tatar Oil Research and Design Institute (TatNIPIneft) of TATNEFT PJSC Bugulma
Valeeva A.V. Tatar Oil Research and Design Institute (TatNIPIneft) of TATNEFT PJSC Bugulma
Khairtdinov R.K. “Kara-Altyn Enterprise” CJSC Almetyevsk
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2024-1-10-14

The paper discusses the results of paleotectonic analysis of a number of oil uplifts of a field located in the northern part of the Ulyanovsky ridge on the territory of Tatarstan Republic. To determine the history of the development of sedimentary strata, the method of the isopachic triangle was used. The method allows you to restore the general course of events and trace the objects of research at different points in geological time. A set of paleostructural maps constructed within the deposit is summarized in a general scheme that allows us to trace the tectonic rearrangements characteristic of the beginning of the Lower Carboniferous time. Acording to isopachic triangle of maps, we have obtained information about structural forms and paleotectonics at different time intervals of geological time within the field, but not large enough to draw conclusions about regional interruptions with which significant tectonic movements can be associated.

Materials and methods
The structural surfaces obtained from the Vereyan, Bashkirian, Tulian, Bobrikovsky and Tournaiyan surfaces were used in the work; as well as isopachite maps constructed between the studied surfaces.
All constructions are made according to the data obtained as a result of the interpretation of borehole geological and geophysical studies and the results of seismic surveys.

isopachic triangle, structural maps, isopachite maps, paleostructural analysis
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