Methods for analyzing and correcting the deviation of amplitude attributes in the process of seismic data processing based on wavefield simulation

Vlasov S.V. “RN-BashNIPIneft” LLC (“Rosneft” PJSC Group Company) Ufa
Sharin S.V. “RN-BashNIPIneft” LLC (“Rosneft” PJSC Group Company) Ufa
Ovchinnikov K.R. UUNiT Ufa
Finikov D.B. UUNiT Ufa
Shalashnikov A.V. UUNiT Ufa
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-5-28-33

The article reviews the approaches to using the solution of the direct seismic survey problem by integral methods as a means for:
•    studying the wave fields to optimize planning and plotting of the seismic survey data processing flow graph under certain seismic and geological conditions;
•    correction of dynamic distortions of the wave fields during processing of seismic data.
Based on the results of the studies, solid evidence was obtained on the need for widespread implementation of such procedures to obtain a correct dynamic picture of the wave field, as well as some conclusions about the actual efficiency of certain procedures, and the main reasons
for the dynamic distortions obtained by the processing results are described.

Materials and methods
The set of synthetic data of seismic survey based on the composite seismic and geological model are used as the materials. The seismic and geological model was plotted layer by layer with the use of volumetric interpolation and geostatistical simulation methods. The wave fields were simulated with the method of field transfer by integral operators. The correction of dynamic distortions was performed by wide view calibration with control of the results by methods of studying amplitude variations depending on “source-receiver” distance.

seismic survey data processing, wave fields simulation,
wave field dynamic performance, calibration
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