Operational construction of the facies scheme of the Аchimov deposits for the purposes of supporting production drilling

Arapov V.O. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Geist I.V. ivgeyst@tnnc.rosneft.ru “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Puharev V.A. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-7-38-43

The paper considers the results of the operational construction of the facies scheme of the Achimov deposits in the south of the Tyumen region, accompanied by operational drilling, using the results of interpretation of seismic exploration and well data. In the process of the work, new promising areas for an additional well fund were identified and confirmed by pilot drilling.

Materials and methods
As part of the work, an analysis of the geological structure of the studied area was carried out, a detailed correlation of sediments was performed according to well and seismic data, facies features of the formation were determined with the allocation of electrofacies according to the Muromtsev V.S. method, dynamic and kinematic seismic attributes and slices were analyzed, followed by linking with well data. A facies scheme of the Аchimov deposits was constructed using the integration of well and seismic data.

facies analysis, seismic attributes, geological model
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