Resource potential of Russian natural gas industry

Yurova M.P. Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-7-11-13

Discoveries of giant and supergiant hydrocarbon deposits (more than 300 and 1 000 bln tones of fuel equivalent) in Russia’s mainland are unlikely. Therefore in the following 25 years geological exploration will be expanded via arctical aquatories, including shelf of Barents and Kara sea, via territories of Western Siberia (Yamal, Gydan), North-West of Krasnoyarsk region (Yenisey river left bank), West-Yenisey area, the south of Lena-Tungus province, etc. Sedimentary cover of northern and arctic territories will be developed in 2031–2050.
Geological imitation modeling, which makes it possible to predict giant and unique hydrocarbon deposits of onshore and offshore origin, is of pivotal importance when choosing the most promising areas of geological exploration.

Materials and methods
Materials of scientists of the Gas Research Institute (VNIIGAZ) under the leadership of  V.A. Skorobogatov, geological imitation modeling data have been used.

natural gas industry, resource potential, arctic territories, geological imitation modeling
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