Object stochastic modeling of deep-sea fans based on 3D seismic data

Gubko A.A., “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Dengina Yu.A. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Zhilin E.N. enzhilin@tnnc.rosneft.ru “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-8-16-19

The article is devoted to the importance of the correct choice of algorithm for 3D geological modeling of lithology and its influence on the result and forecast qualities. Object-based modeling in conjunction with 3D seismic data is described as one of the stochastic geological modeling methods by example of Achimov deposits. A comparative analysis of different methods of lithology modeling used in common specialized software is carried out. Attention is paid to the influence of the quality of study on the reliability of the geologic model.

Materials and methods
After preliminary analysis of modeling methods and consolidation of all available geological information with specialized software a facies cube of Achimov deposits was constructed using object stochastic modeling based on 3D seismic data.

object modeling, geological modeling, seismic survey, Achimov deposits, facies, channels, fanes
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