Building regional thickness maps of permafrost zone and the bottom of the gas hydrate stability interval in West Siberia

Agalakov S.E. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Kuzovkov A.A. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Ozirnaya E.Т. Tyumen Industrial University Tyumen
Plavnik A.G. Tyumen Industrial University Tyumen
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-8-46-55

The existing data on West Siberia have been integrated by the main properties defining the equilibrium pressure and temperature conditions of gas hydrate existence: vertical temperature, reservoir pressure, gas-to-air density, formation water salinity. Maps of the bottom of the permafrost zone and the bottom of the gas hydrate stability interval in West Siberia have been compiled.

Materials and methods
The methodology for building maps of the bottom of the permafrost zone and the methodology for numerical determination of the bottom of the gas hydrate stability interval have been justified, the necessary input data have been integrated, i.e. vertical temperature, reservoir pressure, gas-to-air density, formation water salinity.

cryolithic zone, gas hydrates, permafrost, West Siberia

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