Integration of NMR relaxometry data and electrometric studies on the example of reservoir rocks of deposits of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province

Rogozin A.A. “NK “Rosneft-STC” LLC Krasnodar
Ignateva T.S. “NK “Rosneft-STC” LLC Krasnodar
Churkov A.V. “NK “Rosneft-STC” LLC Krasnodar
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2021-6-62-66

The specific pore surface and core permeability are one of the most important parameters in the study of reservoir rocks. At the same time, their determination by standard methods, such as capillarimetry and direct filtration studies, can be accompanied by the destruction of samples and take a long time. This article discusses the informative value of the NMR-relaxometry method for studying these parameters, as well as the applicability of a comprehensive analysis of the filtration-capacitance properties and properties of the pore space of rocks using electrometry data of saturated core samples. As will be shown below, combining the data of various methods allows us to determine for each lithotype such an NMR
parameter as surface relaxivity. The article presents a calculation and comparative analysis of the values of the specific pore surface determined by different methods;
the applicability of some empirical and semi-empirical methods for calculating permeability is shown; relaxation constants for various lithotypes of reservoir rocks of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province are determined.

Materials and methods
Laboratory studies by NMR-relaxometry, permeometry, determination of UES of rocks.

nuclear magnetic resonance, relaxability, porosity, permeability, relaxation times, specific pore surface, pore tortuosity, electrical properties
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