Degassing-gravitation hypothesis of the Earth and oil and gas potential

Shevchenko I.V. “Corsarneft” Management Company Moscow
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2021-6-24-31

Issues related to the origin of the Earth-Moon system are still in the phase of active discussion. The answers to these questions are associated with the desire to clarify the main physical mechanisms that determined the development of our planet, affecting the processes in the core, mantle and lithosphere. Such answers allow us to take a fresh look at the history of geological events and at the conditions for the formation of mineral deposits, as well as at new prospects for their search. The existing doctrines of the geological development of the Earth and the Earth-Moon system, according to the author, do not give exhaustive answers to a large number of important questions. The driving forces and causes of geological-tectonic processes in the lithosphere do not find a convincing explanation. The task is to construct a hypothesis of the origin of the Earth-Moon system, which logically explains the geological, chemical and physical features of the Earth, the reasons for the difference in the appearance and nature of the development of our planet from other planets of the Terrestrial group. In addition, the task of this study was to identify the main forces that affect the dynamic development of the Earth and their relationship withhe factors that control the formation of hydrocarbon deposits.

Materials and methods
The article is a summary of the gravitational-degassing hypothesis of the endogenous development of the Earth, which is based on the consideration of the interaction of gravitational and degassing processes as two main factors determining the development of our planet.

hydrogen, history and mechanisms of development of the Earth, the origin of the moon, global degassing of the Earth, deep fluid flow, oil and gas prospects
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