Identification of non-structural traps on prospecting and exploration stage (West-Siberian region, Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous)

Yurova M.P. Oil and Gas Research Institute RAS Moscow
Dobrynina S.A. Oil and Gas Research Institute RAS Moscow
DOI: 10.24411/2076-6785-2020-10108

The classification of non-structural traps is based on genetic and morphological features, which are used to distinguish lithological, stratigraphic, or tectonic types. When identifying types of non-structural traps at the first stage of exploration, less expensive geological and geophysical methods (magneto-and gravimetric), as compared to traditional seismic surveys, as well as paleoreconstructions, play an increasingly important role. In Western Siberia, there is a large variety of non-structural traps, but lithologically limited ones prevail. In addition, in Western Siberia, alluvial deposits were found in deep-water turbidite deposits, not on structures, but between them. The estimation of Jurassic and lower Cretaceous resources by the D1 category is given.

Materials and methods
Generalization of published geological and geophysical data at various stages of search and exploration of the North-Western territory of Western Siberia. Use of data from 2D, 3D, gravity, electrical, field and geophysical surveys.

non structural traps, paleoreconstructions, West Siberian oil and gas province, forecast methods, oil and gas prospects
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