Tamara A. Alekseeva | chief specialist | “NOVATEK STC” LLC, Tyumen taalekseeva2@tnnc.rosneft.ru |
Yana A. Miryasova | senior manager | “NOVATEK STC” LLC, Tyumen yamiryasova@tnnc.rosneft.ru |
Erica Morales | geologist | Petrolera RN LTD, Caracas, Venezuela EMorales@vz.rosneft.ru |
Yaraixa Perez | seismic interpreter | Petrolera RN LTD, Caracas, Venezuela YPerez@vz.rosneft.ru |
Selene Andrade | petrophysicist | Petrolera RN LTD, Caracas, Venezuela SAndrade@vz.rosneft.ru |
The paper describes the results of Rosneft’s activities in the w estern part of the Maracaibo sedimentary basin which is located in the nor th-west part of Venezuela. The paper presents two methods for creating a geological model for optimizing a waterflooding system and extracting residual oil reserves. Pre-condition for the consideration of few methods is uncertainty because of the strata heterogeneity and lo w resolution of the seismic.
Input data, approach and analysis of results have been considered. Differences in approach and strengths and weaknesses of chosen methods were considered.