Accuracy increasing of seismic imaging

Evgeniya E. Andreeva The Institute for ecological problems and subsurface resources management of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Kazan, Russian Federation
Yuriy M. Aref'ev The Institute for ecological problems and subsurface resources management of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Kazan, Russian Federation  
Anna G. Baranova The Institute for ecological problems and subsurface resources management of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Kazan, Russian Federation
Svetlana E. Valeeva The Institute for ecological problems and subsurface resources management of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Kazan, Russian Federation
Anna V. Valeeva The Institute for ecological problems and subsurface resources management of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Kazan, Russian Federation
The divergence of absolute depth mark of target horizon in comparison with drilling data while exploration drilling on positive structures after seismic operations often turns up in Volgo-Ural'skaya petroleum province. It is necessary to correct seismic data, taking into account trends in character of reflecting horizons, according to drilling data, fundamental understanding of changes in paleoenvironment deposition, isopach maps.
Materials and methods
Construction of diagrams, concerning with the depth of reflecting surface, the analysis of the seismic data of reflection-time sections.
C2vr, C2b surface drilling is recommended after the analysis of drilling results of adjoining sections with the correction for seismic data.
The reason for the difference in data drilling on the reflecting surface C2vr, C2b, is correlation of the rise level “K”. Special attention should be given to kinematical characteristics of the massive material and data drilling, especially in well pad with lithologic and glyptic variation.
reflection-time sections correlation seismic data exploration drilling