Elastic Tanks — experience in the application

Igor G. Baryshev Politehnica Moscow, Russian Federation ibaryshev@mail.ru
The article describes the experience of rescue operations during floods and application mobile tools and systems to ensure the safe development of the northern territories of Siberia and the Far East. Also the article considers problems of fuel supply for distant objects development of Siberia, the Far North and the Far East. A short review history of creation and application of elastic soft tanks, advanced thermoplastic elastomers and elastic tanks for spill response and long-term storage of petroleum products in extreme climatic conditions.
Materials and methods
The material underlying this article was obtained from R & D, which were held in the period from 1998 to 2013, the "Politehnica" co-authored with VNIIGAZPROM, GOS NII № 25, the Defense Ministry, NIIRP, RI "Podzemgazprom», TOTAL, SA (Fr), Cooley Group, Inc. (USA), ClearTechOil, Ltd. (UK).
Shown and proved the high economic and environmental efficiency of water-filled dikes, elastic reservoirs and field fuel depots on their basis to ensure that petroleum remote construction sites. The advantages of application of elastic tanks made of fabric with 100% double-sided coating of thermoplastic polyurethane compared to rubber-soft tanks and reservoirs of elastic fabric with PVC and PVC + thermoplastic polyurethane coating.
1. Today's hard to imagine such a operative and working solution to flood protection as applying water-filled dikes production NPF "Politehnica". 2. Application of field-based fuel depots on the base of elastic reservoirs PER-N for long-term fuel storage on distant objects significantly reduces the cost of delivery and assembly jobs and drastically (by more than 6–12 months) shortens the asset is commissioned. Dumps fuel tanks on the basis of PER-N allow to exclude of the clean-up and reclamation of land after the rolling stock on completion of work on the project. On-site spent fuel storage field does not remain containers. Environmental risks are excluded.
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